Find Family Therapists

There are three ways to find family therapists with this system:

1) Use the search box at the top of the left column to search for any posting or page that contains the entered word or phrase. Most visitors to this site will search by city or state and review profile postings from there to find their match. Some will search using a specific specialty skill the counselor might possess, like “autism” or “infidelity,” for example.

2) Click on any of the links in the left column to find participating family therapists in your state. The next page will show a list of family therapy practitioners in your state with a second listing of specific cities they serve. Click on any of those sub-links and you will be brought to specific city pages featuring family therapists available.

3) Click the “Family Therapist Members” link to find the profile for a specific person by name. This section is especially helpful when you don’t know how to spell a particular family therapist’s name you might have been referred to.

How to Contact a Participating Family Therapist

After you’ve narrowed your search to a few potential candidates, look for the image of the mailbox on the member profile pages to contact the member by email or click the phone image to get a phone number to call.

We pride ourselves on routinely checking in with all of our participants to assure the contact information we have in our system is current. So, let us know if you come across any incorrect information.