San Mateo California Family Therapist Lois N. Mark, LCSW, BCD

San Mateo California Family Therapist Lois N. Mark, LCSW, BCD   Launch Map

Lois N Mark is an experienced clinician with a dynamic, interactive approach to helping clients. She draws from her work in founding Christian Counseling centers, the, Juvenile Probation Dept. of San Mateo County, Peninsula Hospital’s Drug and Addiction Recovery Program and inpatient psychiatric unit. Her focus is to assist clients in resolving problems and reaching their full potential.

City: San Mateo
State: California
Client Focus: Individual, family, couples adolescents
Specialties: Adolescents, Addiction and ACA recovery, LGBT relational issues, Women in transition, Christian counseling, Asian/Pacific Islander cultural issues.
Credentials: Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Marriage Family Therapist, Board Certified Diplomate
Office Location: 327 N. San Mateo Dr. Ste. 10 San Mateo CA 94401
Cross Streets: Poplar Ave.
Travel Distance: 5 miles
Language: English
Treatment Approach: Wholistic, psychodynamic and cognitive behavioral therapy
Insurance: Value Options, Sutter EAP and Health Service, Magellan, United HealthCare, United Behavioral Heath, Blue Shield, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Assist U
Payment Terms: Standard fee is $150.00 for individual therapy, $160.00 for couples and family therapy. Payable at the time of service as is any co-pays under Insurances. Fee exceptions may be negotiated.

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