Ardmore Pennsylvania Family Therapist Dr. Judy Jackson

Ardmore Pennsylvania Family Therapist Dr. Judy Jackson   Launch Map

Dr. Judy Jackson has been a therapist for over 25 years, serving clients in Philadelphia’s main line communities. she specializes in treating couples issues, family and teen issues, as well as individual problems such as anxiety and depression. Her primary interest is in working collaboratively with clients to address their difficulties by creating workable solutions to individual and relationship issues.

City: Ardmore
State: Pennsylvania
Client Focus: Couples Therapy, Teen Counseling, Individual Therapy, Family Therapy.
Specialties: Couples Therapy, Cognitive Therapy, Emotional Freedom Techniques, Hypnotherapy, EMDR for Trauma.
Credentials: MS and PhD University of Pennsylvania; Family Therapy Certification-Philadelphia Child Guidance Clinic; Certified Hypnotherapist-National Guild of Hypnotists; EMDR Certification
Office Location: 125 Coulter Ave, Ardmore, PA
Cross Streets: Llanfair Avenue and Coulter Ave. Anderson Ave. and Coulter Avenue
Language: English
Treatment Approach: Eclectic
Insurance: Out of network provider for PPO and personal health insurers; Medicare provider
Payment Terms: Cash, check, or credit card payments accepted at time of service.

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