Colorado Springs Colorado Family Therapist Jessica R Allen

Colorado Springs Colorado Family Therapist Jessica R Allen   Launch Map

Jessica Allen is a trained marriage and family therapist serving the Colorado Springs area. Jessica’s focus is to help families through pre-teen and teen challenges, turning them into opportunities for growth. In her private practice, Jessica works with a wide variety of clients that include LGBT and minority challenges in the context of individual, couples, and family therapy. Her therapeutic approach is authentic, warm, and based on each family’s predefined rules and norms.

City: Colorado Springs
State: Colorado
Client Focus: Dedicated to empowering clients, restoring harmony in families, and helping couples turn away from divorce or separation and towards one another.
Specialties: Marriage & Family Counseling, Relationship Difficulties, Life Transitions, Bullying, Anxiety, Chronic Pain/Disease, Depression, and Spiritual Abuse and Issues
Credentials: Board Registered Psychotherapist
Office Location: 6270 Lehman Dr, Suite 200, Colorado Springs, CO 80918
Cross Streets: N Academy & Lehman Dr
Travel Distance: None
Language: English
Treatment Approach: Jessica views her role as a therapist as one of a partnership by joining with you, wherever you may be in life, and walking with you on that journey towards achieving your goals. She so firmly believes in the importance of her clients feeling safe and comfortable with her, she offers a no cost 45 minute in-person consultation.
Eclectic: incorporating family systems, experiential, humanistic, and cognitive behavioral based on the needs of the family
Insurance: Not accepted
Payment Terms: Payment expected at time of service (Cash/Check/Credit Card), Fee $85

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