Silver Spring Maryland Family Therapist Marie Caterini Choppin

Silver Spring Maryland Family Therapist Marie Caterini Choppin   Launch Map

Marie Caterini Choppin, LCSW-C is a family therapist serving Silver Spring and Bethesda, Maryland since 1998. She is the director and owner of Counseling For Contentment and she and her associates assist clients in realizing and accessing their strengths; developing self-acceptance; developing communication and stress management skills; and creating connection and secure relationships using Emotionally Focused Couple and Family Therapy (EFT). They create a supportive environment of empathy, trust, confidence and success when working with our clients which allows each client to work at their own pace and comfort level and to discover and create their own vision for a contented, well lived life.

City: Silver Spring
State: Maryland
Client Focus: Couple, Family, Children, Adolescents, Family
Credentials: LCSW-C
Office Location: 10000 Colesville Road Silver Spring, MD 20901, and 4405 East West Highway, Suite 508 Bethesda, MD
Cross Streets: Silver Spring: Colesville Road and University Blvd. Bethesda: East-West Highway and Wisconsin Avenue .
Travel Distance: No traveling
Language: English
Treatment Approach: Family Therapy; Emotionally Focused Family and Couple Therapy; Play Therapy; CBT; Eclectic; Psychodynamic
Insurance: None
Payment Terms: Cash, Check, Credit Card; $140.00 for 45 minute sessions; $185.00 for 60 minutes

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