South Pasadena California Family Therapist Mary Ann Aronsohn

South Pasadena California Family Therapist Mary Ann Aronsohn   Launch Map

Mary Ann Aronsohn is an experienced Marriage and Family Therapist practicing in South Pasadena since 1989. Besides her general practice working with teens, adults of all ages, couples and families of all types, she specializes in many aspects of separation and divorce including Collaborative Divorce. She is warm and easy to talk to, and dedicates her life to helping people find the keys to their lives.

City: South Pasadena
State: California
Book Title: Stepfamilies: Hope and Help for Making it Work
Client Focus: Children age 10 and up, teens, families of all types, couples, adults
Specialties: Relationship therapy (individually and with one another), family therapy, separation and divorce, divorce options, collaborative practice, child custody mediation, co-parenting coaching and therapy
Credentials: Master’s Degree in Educational Psychology, Licensure as MFC in California, Trained by CDTT as Collaborative Divorce Trainer, LACFLA collaborative faculty, Certification in Object Relations and Hypnotherapy
Office Location: 1910 Huntington Drive, South Pasadena, CA 91030-4812
Cross Streets: Huntington and Fair Oaks
Language: English
Treatment Approach: Object Relations, Cognitive-Behavioral
Insurance: PPOs and POSs will pay out-of-network portion, Mary Ann will provide forms and help to clients to receive reimbursement from insurance
Payment Terms: Fee structure varies depending on service. (For example, there is a standard therapy fee, a fee for co-parenting coaching or course, a fee for working with high-conflict divorce cases.) Call for information.

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