St Louis Park Family Therapist Jessica VerBout, MA, LMFT

St Louis Park Family Therapist Jessica VerBout, MA, LMFT   Launch Map

Jessica VerBout is an independently licensed Marriage and Family Therapist since 2010 and practices in the Twin Cities, Minnesota. She has experience helping a variety of people with many issues revolving around sexuality (for example, addiction, compulsivity issues, fetishes, sexual identity, sexual enhancement, sexual offenders, etc.) but also serves those dealing with relationship issues, depression and anxiety, just to name a few. Jessica works with her clients using her natural desire to help others with compassion, empathy, a primary focus on solutions, metaphors, and a corny joke or two, but truly loves to help her clients to foster their own strengths or help them learn new skills to deal with all of the issues life can throw their way.

City: St. Louis Park
State: Minnesota
Client Focus: Adolescents (15 years and older), Adults, Couples, Individuals, and Families
Specialties: Sex therapy (talk-therapy, only); Sexual issue/concerns; Depression; Anxiety; Life transitions (i.e., new baby, blended families, step-parenting, divorce, “empty nest,” etc.)
Credentials: Masters of Arts in Marriage and Family Therapy; Independently Liscened in Marriage and Family Therapy.
Office Location: 5821 W. Cedar Lake Rd., Suite 11, St Louis Park, MN 55416
Cross Streets: Cedar Lake Rd. and Zarthan Ave.
Travel Distance: No travel.
Language: English
Treatment Approach: Cognitive Behavioral, Bowen, Solution Focused, Family Systems Theories
Insurance: Accepting all major insurances.
Payment Terms: Currently: $150+/hour (45-50 min)

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