Hartford Connecticut Family Therapist Lori Carpenos

Hartford Connecticut Family Therapist Lori Carpenos
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Lori Carpenos has been a licensed marriage and family therapist since 1985, she has practiced in CT since 1994. Lori completed a post-graduate fellowship in the Three Principles that lead to Innate Health, which is particularly helpful for families. She is the co- author of “Healthy Thinking, Feeling, Doing from the Inside-out,” with Dr. Jack Pransky, a middle school curriculum. Prior to her career as a therapist, she was a middle school art teacher for three years.

City: Hartford
State: Connecticut
Book Title: Healthy Thinking, Feeling, Doing from the Inside-out – published by Safer Society Press
Client Focus: Creating and maintaining healthy families by understanding the inside-out nature of stress and insecurities and how to navigate through them
Specialties: Marriage and family
Credentials: LMFT
Office Location: 566 Prospect Avenue, Hartford, CT 06105
Cross Streets: Farmington Avenue and Capitol Avenue
Travel Distance: TBD
Language: English
Treatment Approach: Educational, insight oriented
Insurance: $120 per hour, accepting Anthem BC/BS and Aetna
Payment Terms: Fee for service: $120 per hour. Intensive weekends are $100 per hour and include follow-up email and phone consults.
Website: www.3principlestherapy.com

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