Mission Viego California Family Therapist Anita Jacob

Mission Viego California Family Therapist Anita Jacob   Launch Map

Anita Jacob is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in Mission Viejo. She works with couples, individuals and teenagers in the area of grief and loss, and has many years of experience working with related issues such as depression, anxiety and relationship stress. Anita is compassionate and will meet you where you are emotionally and walk with you to get you through this season.

City: Mission Viejo
State: California
Client Focus: Couples, Teenagers
Specialties: Marriage, Divorce, Blended family, Cross-cultural marriage/adjustment, Adjustment Issues, Anger Management, Depression, Anxiety
Credentials: Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Certified Anger Management Specialist with NAMA, Parent Project certified facilitator
Office Location: 27001 La Paz Road, Ste. 260, Mission Veijo, CA 92691
Cross Streets: La Paz Road, Marguerite Parkway
Language: English
Treatment Approach: Psychodynamic, Cognitive-Behavioral.
Insurance: Cigna, Value Options, PPO plans
Payment Terms: $130 per hour session paid at time of service by cash or check.
Website: www.anitajacobmft.com

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